
Disable Facebook Timeline 100% work

If you have got Facebook Timeline and want to change back to viewing the old style profile pages, or if you haven't got Timeline yet, but just want to view your friend's Timeline pages in the old style profile format, this guide is for you.
Currently, if you visit a Facebook Timeline page, with a browser that identifies itself as "Internet Explorer 7", you will be shown the old style profile page for that person, instead of their Timeline page. This is because Facebook haven't yet created a version of Timeline that works with IE7, and if their level of support for IE6 is anything to go by (no chat, no ticker and no timeline), they probably never will.
When you visit a website, your web browser sends it an identification code, known as the "User Agent", which lets the site know what web browser you are using. This method for disabling timeline works by changing your current browser's "User Agent" to IE7 and tricking Facebook into showing you the old style profile pages. One problem with this method, is some page formatting errors occur on profile pages/fan pages and group pages, in particular theres a big gap between the heading of the page and the actual content. You can fix this by installing the latest version of FB Purity, the web browser extension that cleans up your facebook experience.

Instructions for Disabling Facebook Timeline

The method for setting the User Agent to IE7 for the following browsers are listed below : Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera and Internet Explorer
Its easy to switch Firefox's User Agent to IE7, the steps are as follows
  1. Install the "User Agent Switcher" Extension from addons.mozilla.org/firefox/addon/user-agent-switcher/
  2. Go to Firefox's "Tools/User Agent Switcher/Internet Explorer" menu and select "Internet Explorer 7"

  3. Install the F.B. Purity browser extension, as it will fix most of the display glitches that occur when you switch the browser's User Agent to IE7, and it also has a lot of other cool and useful features for customising Facebook.
  4. Now go and view a Timeline page, it will be displayed in the old Profile format. BTW If you want to at any point switch the User Agent back to normal, just set the User Agent to "Default User Agent" or else just disable the "User Agent Switcher" extension.   
  5. For other browser go here
Other options use Timeline Remove is currently available for Firefox and Google Chrome, with versions for Internet Explorer and Safari in the works. After installing it, the following warning message appeared when we browsed Facebook.


ApaInfoTerkini said...

om djoewana minta tutor bot komennya dong, bot yg ada fungsi telat komentar kayak punyanya om djoewana.. klu punya ane cuma pake jam n tanggal doang nih (footer), terus ane udah mondar-mandir di balikita akhirnya ke thread ini: http://forum.balikita.net/viewtopic.php?id=5145 terus nemu source code punya om kaafi tp ga bs work, klu ada link download/tutorialnya minta dong om, ane tertarik banget dg hasil coding-nya, klu ada sorce code nya minta dikirimkan ke: ariadishut@gmail.com, thanks

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