
Tutorial WinRAR

Tutorial ini buat temen yg belum paham tentang penggunaan winrar/winzip

Winrar ataupun Winzip adalah Software kompresi file & folder. Dengan bantuan software tsb sebuah folder ataupun file dapat dibuat menjadi file Archive terpadu. Tentunya banyak sekali keuntungan sebuah file ketika berubah menjadi file archive diantaranya lebih mengarah pada keamanan data dan terlebih lagi ukuran -nya yang lebih kecil beberapa persen dari ukuran file asli.

Kelebihan WinRAR :
Dapat mengompres file atau folder menjadi 2 format, yatiu *.RAR atau *.ZIP
Dapat membuat Setup Instalasi
Dapat diberi password
Ukuran file masternya kecil, sehingga mudah dibawa kemana-mana.

Perbandingan Hasil Kompresan WinRAR :
Format *.RAR
Kelebihan :
Ukuran file hasil kompresan berformat *.rar lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan format *.zip.
Bayak lagi, tapi saya susah untuk menulisnya.
Kekurangan :
File kompresan berformat *.rar tidak dapat di-ekstrak oleh komputer yang belum terinstal WinRAR.
Format *.ZIP
Kelebihan :
Terdapat kemungkinan, file kompresan berformat *.zip dapat di-ekstrak oleh komputer yang belum terinstal WinRAR.
Kekurangan :
Ukuran file hasil kompresan berformat *.zip lebih besar dibandingkan dengan format *.rar.

Cara Men-setting Hasil Kompressan WinRAR

1. Buka WinRAR

2. Pilih Menu Options, lulu klik Setting:

3. Kemudian klik tab Compression

4. Kemudian klik Create default..

5. Kemudian Pilihlah Archive Format.Jika Anda menginginkan hasil kompresan berformat *.RAR, pilihlah RAR.Jika Anda menginginkan hasil kompresan berformat *.ZIP, pilihlah ZIP

6. Kemudian klik OK. Setelah itu klik OK lagi.

Cara Cepat Mengompress File atau Folder dengan WinRAR
1. Klik kanan pada folder atau file yang ingin dikompres, setelah itu klik Add to NamaFolderAnda.rar

Jika dalam setting, format kompresan diatur sebagai RAR, maka hasil kompressan akan berupa *.rar.
Jika dalam setting, format kompresan diatur sebagai ZIP, maka hasil kompressan akan berupa *.zip.
2. Setelah itu tunggu sejenak, WinRAR sedang melakukan kompres.

3. Setelah proses kompres berhasil, maka akan terlihat hasilnya.

Cara Cepat Mng-ekstrak file rar/zip dengan WinRAR
1. Klik kanan pada file rar/zip, kemudian klik Extrack to NamaFolderAnda\

2. Kemudian tunggu sejenak, WinRAR sedang meng-ekstrak

3. Setelah proses ekstrak berhasil, akan terlihat hasilnya

Download WinRAR

WinRAR465 Full
READ MORE - Tutorial WinRAR

Belajar Python S60

kredit; dh-kompi.Sekarang kita akan membuat aplikasi pertama yang sangat-sangat sederhana dan sangat-sangat umum yang biasanya digunakan untuk pengenalan pada bahasa pemrograman, yaitu membuat aplikasi "Halo Bro.. :D".
Untuk membuat atau menampilkan kata sederhana ini, kita bisa menggunakan dua cara dan dua jenis fungsi. Yaitu secara langsung dituliskan pada intepreter atau melalui sebuah file yang dinamakan sebagai script dan menggunakan fungsi yang bernama print atau dengan menggunakan module Python yang bernama appuifw .
Untuk menggunakan fungsi print pada Python, pastikan kalo intepreternya sudah terinstal..! Jalankan lalu pilih menu Interactive Console.

 Python s60 icon  Python Screen  Python list menu

Maka akan keluar tampilan console seperti ini..

 Python console

Perhatikan tanda >>> yang berada pada baris paling bawah, tanda itu berarti kalo python sekarang telah siap menerima dan mengeksekusi perintah yang diberikan.
Untuk mencetak kata "hello bro..!" pada layar, kita tinggal mengetikkan perintah print "hellow bro..!" (pake tanda kutip) dan hasilnya akan terlihat seperti ini..

 hellow world

Sangat mudah bukan..?? :D
Sekarang mari kita buat kata "hello bro..!" dengan menggunakan module appuifw yang akan menampilkannya melalui jendela popup. Ketikkan perintah appuifw.note(u"hello bro..!","info") pada  

console .
 appuifw module

Ups..!!@#%&$$*@ Ternyata gak mau jalan..! :(
Ya, itulah yang dinamakan dengan module, fungsi yang terdapat pada module tidak bisa dijalankan langsung tanpa memanggil atau meload module yang bersangkutan terlebih dulu.. :D
Untuk meload dan menjalankan fungsi yang terdapat dalam module, kita bisa menggunakan perintah yang bernama import . Sekarang ketikkan perintah import appuifw setelah itu coba ketikkan lagi perintah yang tadi yang berbunyi appuifw.note(u"hello bro..!","info")
 import method  note function on appuifw module  popup result from appuifw module

Akhirnya... ! Kita berhasil menulis dan menjalankan perintah pertama kita.. :D
Nah sekarang mari kita coba untuk menuliskan perintah kita pada sebuah file. Ikuti langkah berikut.. :)
Buka aplikasi editor yang kalian miliki. Disini ara menggunakan aplikasi DED untuk membuat script pertama kita. Buat file baru dan tuliskan perintah seperti diatas pada fungsi print yang berbunyi print "hello bro..!" (masih pake tanda kutip..:D).

 Aplikasi DED  Buat file baru  Tulis perintah python

Kemudian simpan dimanapun kalian suka. ara menyimpannya di root drive E:\ biar gampang nyari-nya..

 Pilih drive untuk menyimpan  Simpan sebagai fila baru  pilih drive  Tentukan nama lalu simpan

O ia,, ekstensi script Python harus .py agar bisa dijalankan. ara menamainya dengan helo.py. Kemudian buka lagi aplikasi python:>> Option >> Run Script ,pilih filebrowser.py lalu cari script yang barusan kita buat.

 Python menu  Python script  Python filebrowser  helo.py

Kalo dah ketemu, tekan enter lalu pilih execfile() , maka program kita akan segera dieksekusi dan python akan segera menampilkan outpunya. Setelah kita pilih execfile() , tekan tombol exit pada softkey sebelah kanan dan lihat, python menuliskan kata "hello bro..!" (kali ini tanpa tanda kutip) pada layar.. :)

 execfile  hasil eksekusi program python

untuk perintah pada appuifw caranya sama seperti diatas dan sepertinya udah pada bisa, jadi gak usah ditulis ya.. tak kasi screenshotnya aja :D

 Menulis script python  Menjalankan script python  popup output

Untuk melihat fungsi-fungsi yang terdapat pada module appuifw, gunakan perintah dir(). Perintah lengkapnya seperti ini dir(nama_module), jadi kalo pengen liat fungsi-fungsi yang ada pada module appuifw perintahnya dir(appuifw). Silahkan dicoba-coba sendiri untuk fungsi yang lain...
maaf kalo ada kesalahan mohon dikoreksi juga ya
READ MORE - Belajar Python S60

Cara manual hapus tema ponsel Nokia s60 v3

Ponsel Nokia S60 v3 adalah ponsel yang termasuk dalam golongan smartphone karena sudah bersistem operasi symbian versi 9.x. Ponsel-ponsel smartphone ini memiliki manajemen aplikasi yang serupa dengan komputer pada menu add and remove program pada control panel hanya saja pada ponsel bernama manajer aplikasi yang letaknya bisa saja dipindah-pindah sesuai keinginan.
Berbeda dengan komputer yang semua program didalamnya terdaftar dengan baik pada add and remove program, pada manajer aplikasi di ponsel ini bisa saja aplikasi atau tema tidak terdaftar. Yang paling sering terjadi adalah tema yang tidak terdaftar padahal tema adalah salah satu bagian yang bisa dipersonalisasi dan sering diganti. Karena tidak terdapat pada manajer aplikasi maka menghapusnya pun jadi lebih sulit tetapi tetap bisa dilakukan.
File inti dari tema berada pada folder e:\resource\skins\  yang juga ditunjukkan pada gambar di bawah. File pada folder ini tidak bisa dihapus secara langsung pada ponsel walaupun menggunakan aplikasi explorer. Manghapusnya melalui card reader bisa menjadi solusi.
Setelah file tersebut terhapus bukan berarti menyelesaikan masalah. Pada daftar tema, tema yang file-nya telah terhapus masih tetap muncul tetapi tidak bisa di terapkan. Ini berhubungan dengan file-file register yang belum juga hilang. File-file ini biasanya berada pada folder e:\private\… yang pada kondisi software ponsel standar tidak bisa dibuka atau dilihat isinya.
Setelah folder private bisa dibuka, cari alamat folder seperti pada gambar dibawah (gambar menggunakan ponsel Nokia 6120c), dan hapus folder-folder tema tersebut, mungkin lokasi berbeda pada ponsel s60v3 lain, tetapi bisa dicari, biasanya yang terdapat folder import di dalamnya. Apabila dibuka akan menemukan file dengan ekstensi .skn. Ingat, hapus bersama foldernya. Apabila hanya menghapus pada satu lokasi saja, maka tema tidak akan terhapus sempurna. File tema hilang tapi tetap ada pada daftar tema, atau sebaliknya. Tetapi lakukan dengan teliti, lihatlah dulu detail file tema ini agar tema baru atau yang memang anda suka ikut-ikutan hilang.

Juga cari folder yang bernama themesis yang berisikan file theme.sis. Hapus file yang sesuai dengan yang dihapus pada 2 folder yang lain.

Ini sudah di tes pada ponsel Nokia 6120c saya.
READ MORE - Cara manual hapus tema ponsel Nokia s60 v3


Change Blogger Template Without Deleting widget.

How to change blogger template without deleting widget.
  1. Download new xml template
  2. Save to your desktop. Remember, SAVE no need to open. Some mistake is they open xml file in browser of course there will be an error warning, because browser not compatible to open xml file
  3. Create new blog. This is trial blog to edit new xml template
  4. Upload your new template to trial blog. How to ? Open Edit HTML, and then upload downloaded xml file
  5. Open your current blog layout
  6. Go to Edit HTML, copy all widget code between <div id="sidebar"> </div>
  7. Open trial blog layout
  8. Go to Edit HTML, paste to trial blog, all copied widget code. Put it between <div id="sidebar"> </div> too
  9. Save
  10. Download and save full template of trial blog
  11. Upload to your current blog layout, and you get new layout without deleting widget
READ MORE - Change Blogger Template Without Deleting widget.


Islamic sofware

SGATech Quran v2.0 DateCode 151208 S60vA3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Cracked DiL

Read the full Holy Quran in Othmani font, search for words, bookmark any Ayah or Surah using a multi-lingual interfaces and listen to the Quran narrated by famous narrators and read the explanation "Tafseer" of Holy Quran.

Main Features:
Friendly and comfortable user interface that conveys the Arabic and Islamic look and feel.
Holy Quran in digitized Othmany font (El Madina font style) and Madina Moshaf look and feel (chapters marks, sajda Marks, etc).
Controllable font size that could be increased or decreased by the user.
Listen to the Quran narrated by famous narrators.
Listen to the selected Aya, Sura or the whole Quran.
The recited Ayah is highlighted with a different color to help following the recitation.
Full control so that the user can stop, pause or play recitation according to his/her needs.
Explanation of the Holy Quran with the ability to add or remove any Explanation's plug-in.
Read the explanation for the selected Aya, Sura or the whole Quran continuously.
Search in the scope of Aya, Sura, or the whole Quran.
Search by exact word or by part of the word.
Virtual Arabic keyboard to simulate the phone keyboard, if Arabic is not supported.
The ability to navigate directly to a specific Aya or Sura.
Unlimited favorites list.
Bookmarking to save the last reading position.
Adjustable background color.
Backlight option to enable the user to read the Quran anywhere.
Supporting four UI languages (English, Arabic, French and Urdu).

Downloading Quran audio files :

Download installing sound file instructios :

Download Quran User Manual :

N85, N79, N78, N96, N82, N95-3 NAM, N81, N81 8GB, N95 8GB, N77, N93i, N76, N75, N91 8GB, N95, N93, N73, N73 Music Edition, N73 Special Edition, N80, N71, N92, N91, 6210 Navigator, E63, E71, E66, E51, E61i, E65, E90 Communicator, E62, E50, E70, E60, E61, 6124 Classic, 6650, 6220 Classic, 6121 Classic, 6120 Classic, 6110 Navigator, 6290, 5320 Xpress Music, 5700 Xpress Music, 5500, 3250.

Note : If u Have Any Problem, Just Read Manual.

Download Here ASGATech.Quran.v2.00
Download Here Tafseer_plug-in
AsgaTech Islamic Organizer v2.2.2 S60v3 SymbianOS 9.x Unsigned Cracked-BiNPDA

AsgaTech Islamic Organizer v2.2.2 S60v3 SymbianOS 9.x Unsigned Cracked-BiNPDA
Islamic Organizer helps to manage Muslims practices in an interactive and advanced way, whatever cultural variations between Muslims across the world

Main Features:
Friendly and comfortable user interface that conveys the Arabic and Islamic look and feel.
Prayer times for any location all over the world, covering all known calculation methods.
Selective prayer alert for the daily five prayers.
Different Azan voices (Mecca Azan, Medina Azan, Egyptian Azan…)
The ability to advance the prayer alert time by 1-30 minutes.
Iqama alert time to match the actual Iqama time at the local mosques.
The ability to switch the mobile profile to help Muslims to concentrate during the prayers.
Set the profile's change time & duration for every prayer alone.
In addition to the traditional Qibla directions, it provides an advanced method for Qibla directions using GPS.
Huge database with more than 200 countries and 1000 cities with the ability to add, remove and edit any location.
Online GPS that enables continuous updating of the user's location.
Full Hijri and Gregorian calendars with the ability to switch between them.
Synchronization between the Organizer's based calendar and the device’s calendar.
Displaying for the important Islamic Events.
Supports 5 languages (English, Arabic, French, Farsi, and Urdu) that depend on the mobile's current selected language.

Download Here

The application helps all Muslims read through a large collection of daily Azkar and selected supplications supported with narration and send the Azkar via SMS and MMS to friends and family.

Main Features:
Friendly and comfortable user interface that conveys the Arabic and Islamic look and feel.
A wide and varied selection of the most important and famous daily Azkar (Morning Azkar, Evening Azkar) and the selected supplications (Sayyidul Istighfar and General Supplications).
All Azkar are introduced in Arabic with translations into the following languages: (English, French and Urdu).
All Azkar are narrated in an articulate voice by professional narrators.
A pre-defined timing schedule for your Azkar with the capability of choosing between different types of alarms, such as pop-ups, sound...etc.
All the application contents are searchable.
Content messaging via MMS and SMS.
Supporting four UI and content languages (English, Arabic, French and Urdu).

Download Here

AsgaTech Quran v2.00 S60v3 SymbianOS 9.x Unsigned Cracked BiNPDA

AsgaTech Quran v2.00 S60v3 SymbianOS 9.x Unsigned Cracked-BiNPDA
Read the full Holy Quran in Othmani font, search for words, bookmark any Ayah or Surah using a multi-lingual interfaces and listen to the Quran narrated by famous narrators and read the explanation "Tafseer" of Holy Quran.

Main Features:
Friendly and comfortable user interface that conveys the Arabic and Islamic look and feel.
Holy Quran in digitized Othmany font (El Madina font style) and Madina Moshaf look and feel (chapters marks, sajda Marks, etc).
Controllable font size that could be increased or decreased by the user.
Listen to the Quran narrated by famous narrators.
Listen to the selected Aya, Sura or the whole Quran.
The recited Ayah is highlighted with a different color to help following the recitation.
Full control so that the user can stop, pause or play recitation according to his/her needs.
Explanation of the Holy Quran with the ability to add or remove any Explanation's plug-in.
Read the explanation for the selected Aya, Sura or the whole Quran continuously.
Search in the scope of Aya, Sura, or the whole Quran.
Search by exact word or by part of the word.
Virtual Arabic keyboard to simulate the phone keyboard, if Arabic is not supported.
The ability to navigate directly to a specific Aya or Sura.
Unlimited favorites list.
Bookmarking to save the last reading position.
Adjustable background color.
Backlight option to enable the user to read the Quran anywhere.
Supporting four UI languages (English, Arabic, French and Urdu).

Download Here

Azan Times 2.7 For Worldwide Prayers for Mobile Phones

Azan Times for Worldwide Prayers for Mobile Phone is used to listen Azan (Athan, Adhan, Azaan) automatically on every prayer time (Namaz, Namaaz, Salat) five times a day on your mobile phone (Cell Phone, Windows Mobile, Pocket PC, and Symbian OS). It has Prayer Times and Qiblah direction for more than 25,000 Cities in 252 countries and islands worldwide. It is fully customized to add any city in the world. It features multiple beautiful Azan sounds, minutes adjustment to the prayer times. Added automatic launch feature. Full support available in case of any problem in installation or usage. Compatible with all the phones like Nokia, Sony Erricson, Motorola, Samsung, Imate, HTC.

Version 2.7 added Fajr Azan sound.

Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free

AsgaTech Mozzaker 1.01 S60v3 SymbianOS9.x Unsigned Cracked DiL

The application helps all Muslims read through a large collection of daily Azkar and selected supplications supported with narration and send the Azkar via SMS and MMS to friends and family.

Main Features:
Friendly and comfortable user interface that conveys the Arabic and Islamic look and feel.
A wide and varied selection of the most important and famous daily Azkar (Morning Azkar, Evening Azkar) and the selected supplications (Sayyidul Istighfar and General Supplications).
All Azkar are introduced in Arabic with translations into the following languages: (English, French and Urdu).
All Azkar are narrated in an articulate voice by professional narrators.
A pre-defined timing schedule for your Azkar with the capability of choosing between different types of alarms, such as pop-ups, sound...etc.
All the application contents are searchable.
Content messaging via MMS and SMS.
Supporting four UI and content languages (English, Arabic, French and Urdu).

Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free

AlMuathen 1.1 - Accurate Prayers Timing For Millions Of Cities In The World

* AlMuathen is a very user-friendly application which let you have accurate prayers timing for millions of cities in the world.

Here is a list of implemented and tested features:
* It's possible to select a country and a town from very large list
* Customization of calculation method, juristic, daylight saving
* We can choose the athan to be played (medina, mekka...), the user can listen (play + stop) athan
* Gregorian and Hijri dates are displayed
* A splashscreen is displayed when launching the application
* The country, town, prayers time are displayed on the main window
* The qibla direction is diplayed according to the North
* All user options are saved
* Support touch screen phones
* ...

Many features will be added in the future (if you are a developer or designer, you can contribute to the project).

Download Here For Free

Read the Holy Quran with full tashkil and read the english translation of its senses.

Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free

Azan 2.6 J2ME - Islamic Application

Azan Times for worldwide Prayers for Mobile Phone (Cell Phones, Windows Mobile, Pocket Pc, Symbian OS, Blackberry) is used to listen Azan (Athan, Adhan, Azaan) automatically on every prayer time (Namaz, Salat) five times a day on the mobile phone.

* Most Accurate Prayer Times for more than 25,000 Cities and villages in 252 countries and islands worldwide
* Automatic Azan on every prayer time
* Qiblah Direction
* Islamic Hijri Date
* Fully customized to add any city
* Multiple Beautiful Azan Sounds
* Minutes Adjustments to make it 100% accurate with your local Masjid prayer times
* Minimize feature to run at the background
* Automatic Launch feature on every prayer time
* Full help of every feature in the software
* Fastest application for every mobile phone
* Compatible with all the Java enabled mobile phones (Nokia, Motorola, Sony, Samsung, LG, Imate, HTC, Windows Mobile and many more mobile models.)
* Unlimited FREE support from www.SearchTruth.com website
* Get Reward from Allah by spreading the FREE Azan (Athan, Adhan) software to your friends and family and submit in all the online forums and directories.
* 100% FREE with full features.

Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free

Islamic Supplications/Dua/Prayers For Cell/Mobile Phones

Read and Search the Islamic Supplications/Dua on the mobile phone(Cell Phones, Windows Mobile, Pocket Pc, Symbian OS, Blackberry) in Arabic and English. It has 99 Prophet's Muhammad (pbuh) Prayers/Supplications/Dua/Salaat. Supplication (Du'a) is truly the essence of sincere worship. It connects us with our Creator, and it is a practical expression of our persisting need for Almighty Allah (SWT) in all our affairs. Alway keep Prophet Muhammad Prayers Dua Software in your Mobile Phone.
Compatible Mobile Phones:
Compatible with all Mobile phones like Nokia, Sony Erricson, Motorolla, Samsung, LG, Windows Mobile, Imate, HTC, Blackberry, Symbian OS and many more.

About Islamic Supplications/Dua: The software has the following 99 Supplications/Dua:

1. Morning & Evening
2. Sleeping Difficulty
3. Bad/Good Dream
4. On awakening
5. Enter Toilet
6. Exit Toilet
7. Wudu Beginning
8. During Wudu
9. Wudu Completion
10. Fajr prayer
11. Enter Masjid
12. After praying in Masjid
13. Athan Hearing
14. Muazzin Hearing
15. Witr prayer
16. Forenoon prayer
17. After Fajr & Maghrib
18. Entering ones home
19. Leaving House
20. Market Entry
21. Buying/Selling
22. Before Meals
23. After Meals
24. Lifting Table Cloth
25. Drinking milk
26. Meal time at someone
27. Leaving host's residence
28. Drinking water
29. Drinking Zam Zam
30. Breaking Fast
31. After Iftaar
32. Iftaar at someone's place
33. When Dressing
34. Wearing new clothes
35. Seeing a Muslim in new clothes
36. Looking in mirror
37. Bride Arrival
38. New Animal Arival
39. Congratulating Bridegroom
40. Intention to be with wife
41. Upon emission of sperm
42. Child begins to talk
43. Sighting New moon
44. Duas concering journeys
45. Someone's in difficulty
46. Seeing a muslim laughing
47. Fearing the enemy
48. Enemy surrounds
49. Before rising from a gathering
50. When you're in difficulty
51. Wealth Progression
52. Dua for Night of Power
53. Loving someone/when one helps
54. When one sees things one loves
55. Emotion fills the heart
56. Something is lost
57. When one talks too fast
58. Eating new fruit of the season
59. At time of anger
60. Hearing a donkey or a dog
61. Dua for rain
62. When one sees heavy clouds
63. At the time of rain
64. Rain exceeding the limits
65. At the time of thunder
66. At the time of heavy wind
67. Talbiya of Hajj
68. Dua read at Arafat
69. When making Tawaaf
70. When making Qurbani
71. When meeting another Muslim
72. Returning Salaam
73. Sneezing
74. Hearing someone sneeze
75. Upon thought of a bad omen
76. Dua to pay off debts
77. Dua after salaat of need
78. Istikhara
79. Visiting the sick
80. For any calamity
81. The cure of any illness
82. To soothe ill children
83. Dua when one is ill
84. When death is eminent
85. When soul leaving the body
86. When soul has left the body
87. Going to deceased's house
88. When someone's child dies
89. When burrying the dead
90. When entering the cemetery
91. When consoling someone
92. At the time of fire
93. When animal becomes sick
94. For pain of the eye
95. For kidney/uninary problems
96. When fever/pain increases
97. Dua on a burn injury
98. When down/depressed
99. Istikhara for marriage

Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free

Yaasin Multimedia And English Translation 1.0 For Java Phones

Quran Surah Yaasin with audio recitation and translation in English.

Download Here For Free

Translation of several Hadits Shahih Muslim about Haji in Bahasa Indonesia.

Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free

ASGATech Islamic Organizer 2.02.2 S60v3 SymbianOS 9.1/9.2/9.3 Unsigned Cracked By illusion

Islamic Organizer helps to manage Muslims practices in an interactive and advanced way, whatever cultural variations between Muslims across the world

Main Features:
Friendly and comfortable user interface that conveys the Arabic and Islamic look and feel.
Prayer times for any location all over the world, covering all known calculation methods.
Selective prayer alert for the daily five prayers.
Different Azan voices (Mecca Azan, Medina Azan, Egyptian Azan…)
The ability to advance the prayer alert time by 1-30 minutes.
Iqama alert time to match the actual Iqama time at the local mosques.
The ability to switch the mobile profile to help Muslims to concentrate during the prayers.

Set the profile's change time & duration for every prayer alone.
In addition to the traditional Qibla directions, it provides an advanced method for Qibla directions using GPS.
Huge database with more than 200 countries and 1000 cities with the ability to add, remove and edit any location.
Online GPS that enables continuous updating of the user's location.
Full Hijri and Gregorian calendars with the ability to switch between them.
Synchronization between the Organizer's based calendar and the device’s calendar.
Displaying for the important Islamic Events.
Supports 5 languages (English, Arabic, French, Farsi, and Urdu) that depend on the mobile's current selected language.

Download Here
Download Here US/RUS Users

Read the full Holy Quran in Othmani font, search for words, bookmark any Ayah or Surah using a multi-lingual interfaces and listen to the Quran narrated by famous narrators and read the explanation "Tafseer" of Holy Quran.

Main Features:
Friendly and comfortable user interface that conveys the Arabic and Islamic look and feel.
Holy Quran in digitized Othmany font (El Madina font style) and Madina Moshaf look and feel (chapters marks, sajda Marks, etc).
Controllable font size that could be increased or decreased by the user.
Listen to the Quran narrated by famous narrators.
Listen to the selected Aya, Sura or the whole Quran.
The recited Ayah is highlighted with a different color to help following the recitation.
Full control so that the user can stop, pause or play recitation according to his/her needs.
Explanation of the Holy Quran with the ability to add or remove any Explanation's plug-in.
Read the explanation for the selected Aya, Sura or the whole Quran continuously.
Search in the scope of Aya, Sura, or the whole Quran.
Search by exact word or by part of the word.
Virtual Arabic keyboard to simulate the phone keyboard, if Arabic is not supported.
The ability to navigate directly to a specific Aya or Sura.
Unlimited favorites list.
Bookmarking to save the last reading position.
Adjustable background color.
Backlight option to enable the user to read the Quran anywhere.
Supporting four UI languages (English, Arabic, French and Urdu).

Download Here For Free
Download Here For Free

Mobile Athan Software For Mobile Phone (Updated 17.11.2008)
Mobile Athan software to get the accurate prayer times, Qiblah direction and hear automatic Athan (Azan) on every prayer time on Mobile Phones

Mobile Phone Requirements:
- Java Enabled Mobile Phone
- MIDP 2.0 or above
- CLDC 1.1 or above

- Prayer Times for more than 25,000 cities in 252 countries.
- Hear Automatic Athan (Azan) on every prayer time.
- Qiblah direction
- Hijri Date
- Gregorian to Hijri date Converter
- Complete Athan (Azan) sound from Makkah, Madina, Alaqsa, and Egypt.
- Select Complete Athan or Small Athan (Allahu Akbar) or Beep for alert.
- Set prayer alert for all or some prayer times only.
- Volume Control to listen low or high Athan sound.
- Adjust Hijri date according to your country.
- Add and Customize any city in the world for prayer times.
- Minutes Adjustment to make the prayer times 100% accurate according to your Local Masjid (Mosque).
- 12 and 24 hours prayer times format.
- Five famous Calculation Methods
- Two Juristic Method: Standard (Imam Shafii, Hanbali, and Maliki) and Hanafi.
- Fully Customized to change the Timezone, Daylight Savings, latitude and Longitude.

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English And Arabic Quran For Ur S60v3

English And Arabic Quran For All S60v3 Mobiles

Download Here Arabic Quran
Download Here English Quran

ReyadAsSalehine Mobile Book For Muslims

Reyad As-Assalehine book is a compendium of words of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and salvation of Allah be upon him) by An-Nawawi.

Download Here For Free

The most beautiful names belong to ALLAH, so call on Him thereby. (7:180) Those who believe, and whose hearts find satisfaction in the remembrance of GOD, for without doubt in the remembrance of God do hearts find satisfaction

Download Here For Free

credit: symbian forum
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