
MobileThemes OpLogo Changer v0.03c S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned Cracked Symbian

Adding oplogos to S60 3rd Edition without complicated procedures using hacks and file managers (and without using a program that stays in memory)
Using any image in the gallery (with limitations in this release images are squished to the correct size future versions will allow you to crop or resize keeping aspect ratios as well as squishing)
Hiding the oplogo so it is transparent
Removing the oplogo, reverting back to the textual operator name
So far, preliminary testing has revealed that coloured oplogos cant feature transparency, which is a bit disappointing; so Im looking at alternative ways to fix this (maybe automatically use the background of the current theme, placing the oplogo on top although this would mean you would have to re-activate the oplogo every time you change the theme an alternative approach would be to keep a program running in the background to artificially add an oplogo with transparency).

The size of the oplogo varies between different resolutions. These might not be 100% correct (and hopefully alpha testing will reveal the exact dimensions), but from what I can tell, these are the oplogo sizes:

For 240 x 320 resolutions (e.g. N95): 134 x 35 pixels
For 176 x 208 resolutions (e.g. N91): 97 x 25 pixels
For 352 x 416 resolutions (e.g. N80): 194 x 50 pixels

Please note that these are for portrait resolutions only. Im not sure about the oplogo sizes for landscape resolutions (or for resolutions not mentioned here). Feel free to experiment and let me know!

Compatible phones : LG KT610, LG KT615, LG KS10, Nokia E90 Communicator, 3250, 5320 XpressMusic, 5500 Sport, 5700 XpressMusic, 6110 Navigator, 6210 Navigator, 6120/6121 Classic, 6124 Classic, 6220 Classic, 6290, 6650, N71, N73, N75, N76, N77, N78, N79, N80, N81, N82, N85, N91, N92, N93, N93i, N95, N96, N97, E50, E51, E60, E61, E61i, E62, E63, E65, E66, E70, E71, 5800 XpressMusic, E75, 5730 XpressMusic, 5630 XpressMusic, 6710 Navigator, 6720 Classic, 6730 Classic, Samsung SGH-i400, i450, i520, i550, i560, G810, L870, i7110, Innov8, Omnia i8910 HD, SonyEricsson Satio (Idou)

READ MORE - MobileThemes OpLogo Changer v0.03c S60v5 SymbianOS9.4 Unsigned Cracked Symbian


reparasi Tube / S60v5 (N5800,N97)

1. Pict di Galeri error..? 
tuk soal gambar digaleri pada eror (gambar pecah or ga isa di deL ) .. dicoba bgini ...

masuk ke X-pLore --> E -->Private --> 101F8857 --> Chache --> E

nah di dalam folder " E " tsb byk terdapat file yg berformatkan " .dat "

hapus & delete aLso bantaiii semua file yg ber formatkan " .dat "

Laluu ... LaLLuuu .. dOne ... ga ada lagi gambar2 aneh yg ada di galeri ...

2.  HomeScreen Error..?
     Contact bar Shortcut bar ngilang? Nih cara benerinnya.

masuk kE x-plore nya , trus menu>tools>configuration
show hidden files [checklist] (centang)
show rom drives [checklist]
show system files/folder [checklist]
trus exit..

ude gitu .. masuk lagi ke X-pLoer

C --> Private --> 10202BE9--> Persists --> 10275102.cre

tus delete deh file 10275102.cre

trus restart tube.. ....

enggg .. innnKkkk ... ennnKKkkk ... hS na kembaLi normaL .... 

3.  Mengatasi warning Aplikasi Not Support

Cara MEngatasinya yaitu :
I. Kasus Kurang Lengkap baris 1 aplikasi
1. install Notepad ++
2. setelah install Notepad ++ ,, buka Aplikasi yang bermasalah dengan Notepad ++
3.file itu biasanya berbentuk seperti ini

pada baris nomor 1 kosong ga ad apa

4. mengatasinya yaitu naikin baris ke 2 menjadi baris pertama

5. tutup dan Save File..coba diinstall,,ane jamin kagak napa2...

II. Kasus Ekstensi Yang Salah

biasany kasus ini,,file yang didownload berbentuk .sis atau .jar
padahal file bukan berbentuk .sis atau .jar
jelas tidak bisa diinstall di tube krn isinya ga support,,
Solved nya
1. buka aplikasi dengan Notepad ++
2. untuk aplikasi yg ekstensiny beda,,bisa diliad di baris 1 file,,dan biasanya baris 1 ny pendek

3. setelah liad di Notepad ++,,klik file>Save as...ganti file dengan ektensi .rar
jgn lupa memasukan .rar diujung nama file

4. file akan berubah menjadi Rar siap diektrak dan tentuny berisi file yg trtera...

kredit: Kaskus
READ MORE - reparasi Tube / S60v5 (N5800,N97)